Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Farm, Fair, and Terrible Two's

I spent the 4th of July driving to meet my mom so the boys could spend a few days at the farm...vacation as Aiden called it. It had been HOT and the boys and I had pretty much been stuck inside for a week straight, so it kind of was a vacation for all of us!! The boys spent vacation in the pool, visiting great-grandma's, eating cheeseburgers and chicken strips, and being spoiled by their aunts. I spent 'vacation' cleaning the house (floors, closets, bathrooms, everything) and going shopping... by myself. I even got to try on clothes..by my self!!

Upon returning from vacation, Aiden discovered that mom's rules still existed, therefore I spent the first 2 days he was home being "mean". Of course once we had a little chat about 'mean' consequences, and 'nice' consequences, and how each is earned, thing went a little more smoothly.

The Chickasaw County 4-H Fair started yesterday, so we stopped in and walked through the barns and exhibit buildings yesterday. This morning was the cattle show, so I told Aiden we'd go and watch the show as for as long as his brother would put up with being stuck in a stroller. Aiden found a friend from his bus route to sit by (and of course talk to) and pretty soon they wanted to go look at the pigs, which turned into petting the sheep, then Aiden wanted to go see the horses too. He asked to walk through the cattle barn, but I refused to take a stroller into the cattle barn on show day.

As we were standing next to the show ring the Clover Kids leader asked Aiden when he was going to start 4-H. Well one thing led to another, and Aiden was convinced he needs...NEEDS...to show a bucket calf next year. If you know Aiden at all, you know this led to at least a 20 minute conversation at home going through the logistics of where it would live, when we could get it, how long we could keep it, whether or not we could keep it to make baby calves, how he would feed it and water it, the fact that he can't carry a 5 gallon bucket full of water so maybe he should use a hose to water it, and finally convincing him that he won't be able to show his bucket calf at the state fair this year. Of course we should probably check with daddy first to make sure its OK if we decide to raise a bucket calf (when corn will most likely be at the highest price in history, of all years)

On the way to the fair yesterday Aiden was trying to get Connor to tell him what a cow says... Aiden: "Connor, does a cow say moo?" Connor: "quack quack"... close Connor, very close. By the time we got home He had it figured out though. "cow says moooo"

And of course...today is Connor's 2nd Birthday!! We now have a Thing 2...officially in the Terrible Two's. He is getting his favorite dessert tonight, a giant cookie!! The boys got a 10'x10' sand box with a lid that folds up into seats for their birthday, so Connor had a bucket of sand toys waiting for him this morning when he came to the table. Aiden showed him how to use all the toys in the bucket before breakfast, and they spent at least an hour with them in the sandbox after breakfast before I herded them intro the car to go to the fair.