Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Life updates - October

Ok, I realized I haven't updated this in over a month. Not that I have time now, but I'll never have time so I'll do it anyway.

Aidea is LOVING kindergarten. They spent the first few weeks talking about butterflies, so if there is any stage of the butterfly life cycle you'd like to know more about, ask Aiden. Today was farm day, so they got to dress up as farmers and take farm toys. I had to limit Aiden to the amount he could fit in his backpack, and made him mark them so he got all the right ones back home. I told him he could take enough to share with anyone who didn't have farm toys. I'm not sure that he believed anyone could survive without farm toys!!

He is now down TWO teeth, and has decided he will just pull the next 2 himself so daddy doesn't have to do it! With his new grown up teeth coming in, I'm having to deal with the fact that he's probably never just gonna be my sweet baby boy again. With that said, I am also having a hard time remembering he's only 5 and that "How many times do I have to tell you" is probably a question I don't want to know the answer to.
Brothers - He is a great big brother. He loves to play hide-n-seek with Connor and try to surprise him by hiding behind a chair or around the corner and yelling 'BOO'. Connor loves it! He giggles so hard he can hardly walk, then he goes wobbling after big brother for more. Yesterday the boys went to Brian's grandma's for an hour between me needing to leave for a meeting and Brian getting back from work. As we pulled up I asked Aiden to help great-grandma with Connor as much as possible. He said "OK, I'll be a good big brother and keep Connor out of stuff since great-grandma can't move so fast any more" (From the sounds of it they were all three worn out by the time Brian got there.)

Connor is a busy little boy. His favorite pass time is opening cupboard doors and pulling things out. Especially the pantry and tupperware doors. His communication is getting better. He knows the signs for please, and drink. He also says 'num num, bananana, cacker (cracker), and bye bye. Occasionally he gets out a dadada or mamama, and grandma and grandpa are 'oopah'

I have been working on getting him a little more used to not being attached to me. He seems to do fine when I sneak out of the room while he's distracted. We went to MOPS this morning and he was with people he didn't know at ll for 2 hours and did great.

Brian is STILL working up at Stacyville. They've decided to spend a couple days a week working closer to home getting small projects wrapped up before winter, so hopefully the boys and I will get to see him a little more those days.

Me - I have been getting up at 4:50 am 3 days a week since the beginning of Sept for a fitness class with about 15 other women. I can tell that I'm stronger and can run a little farther, but chocolate still seems to be my enemy. I am enjoying having more energy and the workouts are a great start to my day, even though they are REALLY early.

I spent last weekend in Mankato at a Mary Kay retreat. It was great to have a girls weekend, and very refreshing to spend time with women who were focused on moving forward and improving their lives and businesses despite everything life had thrown at them. One of the women said that everyone has their own problems. If we were all told to lay our problems out on the table for everyone to see and then choose a set to pick back up, we would all choose take our own problems back over anyone else's. We talked about how to keep a positive attitude and having someone to be accountable to in order to help stay on track. We also talked about the necessity of getting out of our comfort zone, and expanding that comfort zone, in order to grow and reach our goals and dreams. As always, I came home excited about my goals for my business and the dreams I know it can help our family achieve. And then I got on the phone and stepped out of my comfort zone.