Monday, March 12, 2012

Spring "Break"

Aiden has a full week off for spring break, and I am surprisingly looking forward to it this year! I dreaded Christmas break, my expectations for Thanksgiving break were none too high. But after the 4 day weekend Aiden had for kindergarten round-up, I realized that with Connor getting more an more social and mobile (vertically and with more ground speed) I realized that having a big brother home to keep Connor from tearing the house apart is actually quite helpful!! Of course I won't be getting any phone calls made or appointments held most of the day, but just NOT having to put away all the stuff Connor pulls out of drawers for 3 days gets me a long way ahead on house cleaning!!

It also helps that Aiden has 'homework' to keep him occupied for a while, the boys have pictures scheduled tomorrow morning to break up the day, and Wednesday we are going to Waterloo then meeting my mom so Aiden can go to the farm for a couple days before the rest of us head to Carroll/Ames for the Annual Clancy Family Spring Birthday Bowling Bash.

Oh, and then there is the bathroom project that Brian's parents are working on. Aiden loves to help with anything he can. He would have swept up the saw dust up 10 times yesterday if we had let him, and Saturday he made at LEAST 5 trips downs the steps helping empty out the linen cabinet!! 

Add to all that the fact that it will be 70+ this week, Brian is no longer working an hour away (they actually have plenty of jobs lined up all summer that are within 10 miles of our house YAY!!), and I had an awesome week in my Mary Kay business last week, and its easy to see why I am actually looking forward to Spring "Break"!!