Friday, December 9, 2011

Hugs, Kisses, and Cardboard Boxes

If you hadn't already guessed, this is a Connor update.

Connor has learned a few new tricks lately (other than climbing on anything he can get his belly over)
1.  Kisses. He learned this fun trick at Thanksgiving with my mom's family. We were trying to keep Connor entertained for a few minutes while we were getting ready to leave, so we passed him around to give hugs and kisses, not knowing he would ACTUALLY give everyone a kiss. But not just any kiss, that big, wet, slobbery, wide open mouthed kiss that everyone tries to turn their heads away from! Unfortunately for everyone involved he had no interest in giving cheek kisses.

2. Hugs. When Aiden gets ready for bed at night Connor will now make sure he gets a kiss, but in the process he usually ends up getting a hug too. This is because most nights he has to wrap his arms around Aiden's tummy to get him to hold still so Connor can give him one of his big ol' slobbery kisses!

3. Cardboard boxes. Connor has become the master of putting things into them, taking things out of them, pushing them around, climbing into them and sitting in them. I'm pretty sure Santa doesn't need to bring this kid a single toy, as long as he gets LOTS of empty boxes!

4. Duplo's. Finally, something that will keep Connor entertained for more than 30 seconds! Now that he has figured out how to get them to stay together he will sit with a pile of Lego's and stack them, pull them apart, and repeat for a good 10 minutes (which is an eternity compared to his attention span 2 weeks ago!) He is still working on the gravity thing, but he learning to build something other than just a perfectly stacked tower.

He is also working on his talking.
- 'num num' is probably the most frequently used word he has.
 - The next two are his versions of tractor and cracker, which unless you see what he's referring to can be almost impossible to tell apart.

- 'bah' means ball
- 'ba' means bath
- mama, dada, budda (brother), oopa (grandpa)

And his sign language..
Please, more, and drink are the main one he uses. We're still working on 'Thank You' (he's usually too busy eating whatever he asked 'more please' for to bother with 'thank you')

It's hard to believe he's 17 months old already, but he's growing up so fast!!