Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Yesterday I had the joy of going through an experience almost all moms of boys go through at some point... stitches. To my amazement it was Aiden that needed stitches, not Connor.

I was getting Connor a snack so we could all head out the door for a Mary Kay thing as soon as Aiden got off the bus. The phone rang and it was the school nurse, Aiden was in her office with a bloody head. From what she could make out, he had missed a step and hit his head on a pole or something. She thought I probably needed to go get him and have a doctor look at it. I dropped everything, loaded Connor up, called the clinic to see if there was someone available to check him out, called to reschedule the Mary Kay appointment, and pulled into school as the last of the buses were loading up.

Aiden was still in the nurse's office, paper towel and an ice pack on his head. Somehow it was a head wound that didn't bleed very much. We determined he could stand on his own two feet, and I got him out of the building and into the van with him whimpering "I don't want to get stitches, mommy don't make me get stitches" I had no idea what they were going to do, so I just told him he needed to take deep breathes so his head didn't start bleeding again.

The nurse took us back right away when we got there, cleaned out the cut, and asked the usual how did this happen, who was there type of questions. Since it happened at recess at school he only had to answer them twice, not 4 or 5 times. The doctor looked at it, determined it was deep enough we had to do something, and let me know that gluing it COULD work, but since it was right on the hair line, it would probably be better to do stitches so it would have a better chance of healing without pulling back open.    

This time there was no whimpering, it was sobbing..."I don't want stitches, no stitches, mommy, don't let them do stitches" Luckily I had backup that time. The doctor and nurse were able to convince him that they would tell him what they were doing, the actual stitches weren't going to hurt, the stitches would work much better than the glue, etc etc. So we got Aiden calmed down and they put on some numbing cream so the anesthetic shots wouldn't hurt so much.

Meanwhile Connor had decided to start investigating the cubpoards, drawers, and garbage cans, so the other nurses and receptionist offered to keep the cute little blonde boy occupied with balls, coloring, and wheelchair rides out in the hallway.

Once Aiden's numbing cream had soaked in a little they started cleaning the cut out again, and I realized I wasn't going to be much help passed out on the floor. They gave me a stool to sit on and I watched Aiden's toes wiggle while they gave him the anesthetic shots (the worst part by far), then put in 'three little stitches', and bandaged him up (with a pretty cool Cars 2 band-aid). All done!

We collected all of Aiden's goodies from the nurses station (he made out pretty well) and retrieved Connor from the wheelchair he had been riding around in and we were free to go. The first thing we did was call daddy to tell him all about it, then we headed home.

Once I got everyone unloaded and inside, Connor headed to his favorite perch... the top of the kitchen table. I took him down, but he climbed right back up. I heard Aiden say "Get down Connor, I don't wanna go back to the doctor!"

Aiden did pretty well the rest of the night. His head started to get a little sore so he got some Motrin, and he needed some help getting his PJ's on over the stitches, but nothing major... and no concussion! After 12 hours of sleep he was still exhausted, so he ate a few pancakes and headed back to bed. By 10 he was bouncing around the house, so I fed him lunch and sent him back to school with a new, bright pink bandage that he was VERY proud of!

Monday, November 28, 2011

the EXTRA long holiday weekend

So the long holiday weekend started a little earlier than expected when Aiden came home on Tuesday with a note letting us know that there would be no school on Wednesday (due to needing to shut the water off for a water main repair that never actually happened). Therefore, instead of a quick afternoon of decorating cookies on my own, we started the process fairly early Wednesday morning and had them ALL decorated before lunch without eating a single cookie!

Thursday we headed over to the in-laws for our first turkey dinner of the weekend. Connor played with his cousin Kaylee, no matter how little she wanted him to touch HER toys. Every time Kaylee set a toy down, Connor would immediately pick it up, and she was NOT a fan of that. By the end of the day they did learn to play nicely together, and were actually scheming to help each other tear the house apart! Aiden helped the boys, mostly uncle Jim, outside with the logging project, and I helped Tanya & Anita get the food ready before everyone else got there for lunch. Aiden set the table with all the handmade decorations/party favors for each place setting and Bev contributed chocolate turkeys for everyone. After a Kwik-Star run for chips for the taco salad dinner was served, and everything was delicious! Eventually we decided we were hungry again and repeated the above meal for supper. Aiden got permission to have a sleepover, and Brian and I headed home to put baby Connor to bed.

Friday morning I got to sleep in because I didn't have to be to workout til 7. I was REALLY glad I didn't over do it with the desserts on Thursday, because we ran and ran some more! After workout I came home to 2 sleeping boys, yes Brian AND Connor slept in past 8! I got everyone moving and went back up to the in-laws to wait for the Menard's truck so Tom & Brian could get a few hours of work in. 2 hours later they finally let us know the truck wasn't coming until after lunch, so the boys and I headed to town to run some errands and play with the Chyma boys for a little bit. The next step was feeding the boys lunch, packing everyone's stuff for the next 2 1/2 days, cleaning the van, and loading everything up so we could leave after Brian got home from work and in time to let Connor take a nap on the road. Somehow I succeeded, though I could have used a little more patience during that 2 hour time frame.

After an uneventful, though windy, drive back to Carroll, we stopped at Wal-Mart to pick up a few things for Alayna then headed to Templeton to check Alayna's newest residence. Connor learned he had to go down the steps backward if he wanted to cover the entire house, and Aiden got a few wrestling tips from Kenny. We took the boys back to my parents, decided where everyone was sleeping, and crashed on the couch with a movie.

Friday morning was cinnamon rolls in the waffle maker for breakfast (apparently something Alicia found on Pinterest) then 5 people showering and getting ready in 90 minutes with 1 shower, and another half bath. Amazingly, we were all ready to go on time (even dad), and we were on the road to Omaha to watch the first half of the ISU game at Clancy's pub before we headed to the Ortner residence for turkey dinner number 2. Everything was delicious, and the boys had a great time playing with my cousins and their kids. The big boys left a little early for their shopping date at Cabella's, and my sisters and I took the boys back in the van.

The ride was pretty tame while Connor slept for about an hour, but once he woke up things really started to liven up. By that I mean we started Alicia & Aiden's DJ Dance party in the back of the Chevy Venture. Everybody was havin a great time dancing and singing all the usual songs (and a few less conventional ones such as J-Lo's 'Sweep the Floor') I'm very thankful that there were no cops on the road, because between trying to keep the van from blowing all over the road, controlling my speed going down the hills, and trying to keep an eye on everyone in the back seat my driving couldn't have been the best ever. But we made it back to Alayna's safe and sound and waited for mom & dad to get back with the pizza.

After pizza the boys went with grandma & grandpa, and my sisters and I and the 3 significant others decided we should play a few card games to stay awake. I think it was the first time we had all three of us and our significant others had been together without parents or kids, ever. everyone had a good time, and it was quite a bonding experience for everyone. We're definitely getting old, cuz everyone was asleep by 11:30 so we could get up and get to church the next morning.

After church the boys played Trouble and Connect 4 while we got brunch ready. Connor decided he'd had enough, so we were back on the road for hours 7-10 in the car for the weekend. After back tracking a few miles to retrieve the purse I could have sworn I'd never taken out of the van, we were actually on the road. Unfortunately it was just as windy as the rest of the weekend, but we made it home with plenty of time to eat supper and turn the Thanksgiving tree into a true Christmas tree with lots of ornaments before the boys went to bed.

I thought I had done a pretty good job of pacing myself on all the delicious food, but I'm pretty sure the Saturday night beverages did me in. 5am workout was a challenge this morning, but I survived and its a good thing because this week is a very busy one...lots of appointments and a few extra morning workouts to undo all the eating!! Looking forward to a great week this week :D

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!

So I got a late start on my 'Month of Thankfulness' posts on Facebook, and I'm pretty sure I've missed more days than I've hit. Really not because I'm not thankful for anything, I think I just put too much thought into what to be thankful for each day, then got distracted and never posted. So here's a very random list, because one per day just doesn't work for me.

a husband who helped fold 4 loads of laundry when I got home from my meeting last night because he was going to start working on it when I called to let him know I was on my way home.

Christmas music to sing along to on my way home from my MK success night (even tho I forgot to call to let Brian know I was on my way home.)

a 16 month old boy who finally decided to start sleeping past 5am!

my mom for getting up with said little boy at 5:30am when she comes to visit for the weekend so the rest of the house can get some sleep.

parents that come to visit just because they miss us!

a 5 year old who wants us to read him chapter after chapter of 'The Box Car Children' books, and not even just to stall before bed time!

kindergarten teachers that keep parents in the loop and tell you how much they enjoy your child at school.

a great group of women to work out with EARLY in the morning and an awesome trainer that pushes everyone to do their own personal best, whatever that may be.

my health and my aching body after a really tough workout, I never thought I'd have the strength to do many of the things we do!

a new house with warm floors and a hot shower each and everyday (and for a husband that fills the woodburner so I can stay nice and warm)

amazing Mary Kay women that keep on going no matter what they've been through. Such an inspiration and such awesome friends.

having a 'job' with a company that not only thinks its important for women to have 'balance' in their lives, but provides free training on what balance means and many suggestions on how to find that balance.

kids that have the most fun when they are playing with empty boxes and creating 'crafts' out of paper plates and scrap paper. Reminds me of stuff I did when I was little.

a mom that made us cardboard box castles and provided us with all the craft supplies we could ever imagine using.

sisters that want to spend an entire weekend crafting (never thought I'd see that day)

growing up with parents that never pretended that life was always going to be easy, and always working hard to make it better.

parents-in-law that welcomed me into their family from the very beginning and that get along great with my parents.

an adorable niece that makes my children look like the 'wild things' from a certain story book compared to her. 

an extended family (on all sides) that loves and supports us no matter how far apart we are or how often we get together.

having not just one but THREE Thanksgiving celebrations in one... long... turkey filled... weekend! (We'll see how thankful I am for all that food at 5:15 on Monday morning!)

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving Day (and weekend) filled with lots of great food, surrounded by people who love you.

One last quote... "What if you woke up this morning with only what you thanked God for last night"